60+ Japanese Names Meaning Fox – NamesCheetah

In Japan, foxes are cool animals in many stories. They are known for being smart and a bit magical. Japanese names meaning fox are inspired by these stories, giving people names that remind others of these clever animals. These names are special because they carry a bit of Japan’s culture and a love for nature’s clever side

When kids are named after foxes, it’s like saying they’re intelligent and strong, just like the foxes in tales. Japanese Fox names have a bit of mystery and magic, linking those who have them to the exciting stories about these animals.

20+ Japanese Names That Mean Fox

Here are a few Japanese names, along with their kanji and meanings, inspired by qualities, nature, and the broader cultural significance that might be associated with foxes or the revered qualities in Japanese culture.

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Kitsune (狐) – This means “Fox,” just like the animal.

Gin (銀) – “Silver,” like the colour of some foxes.

Rei (霊) – “Spirit,” because foxes are often seen as magical animals.

Sora (空) – “Sky,” showing how foxes are part of nature.

Tama (玉) – “Jewel,” which can remind us of magical things related to foxes.

Kaze (風) – “Wind,” because foxes are fast and quiet.

Riku (陸) – “Land,” where foxes live.

Haru (春) – “Spring,” a season that brings new life, like the new tricks of a fox.

Fumi (文) – “History” or “Story,” because there are many stories about foxes.

Ken (健) – “Healthy” or “Strong,” like a smart fox.

Japanese Names Meaning Fox

Hikari (光) – “Light,” sometimes foxes are seen as guides.

Minori (実) – “Harvest,” which can mean plenty, like the many sides of foxes.

Saki (咲) – “Blossom,” showing growth and beauty.

Yuki (雪) – “Snow,” for the quiet way a fox moves.

Akira (明) – “Bright,” for the cleverness of foxes.

Hiro (広) – “Wide,” because foxes roam far.

Kaito (海斗) – “Sea” and “Fly,” for freedom and quickness.

Ryo (涼) – “Cool,” like the calmness of a fox.

Makoto (誠) – “Truth,” showing the honesty foxes remind us of.

Nori (典) – “Rule” or “Ceremony,” because foxes are often seen in important stories.

Kei (敬) – “Respect,” as people often respect foxes.

Ren (蓮) – “Lotus,” a flower that’s beautiful and pure, like the spirit of a fox.

Shin (真) – “Truth,” because foxes can teach us real lessons.

Takashi (隆) – “Noble,” showing how special foxes are.

These names capture various aspects of the fox’s symbolism in Japanese culture, from its connection to the natural and spiritual worlds to qualities of intelligence, agility, and mystery.

20+ Male Japanese Names Meaning Fox

Looking at male Japanese names linked to foxes shows us cool qualities like cleverness and quick thinking. These names might not say “fox” right out, but they carry the smart and mysterious vibe of foxes. Let’s check out some names that are all about the special traits of foxes.

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Akio (昭夫) – Bright man; symbolizes the cleverness and brightness attributed to foxes.

Haruto (陽翔) – Sun flying; reflects the agility and spirited nature akin to a fox.

Kaito (海斗) – Sea, ocean; can imply the vast knowledge and adaptability of foxes.

Minato (湊) – Port, harbor; suggesting a gathering place, much like the clever fox that navigates different environments.

Riku (陸) – Land; symbolizes the earth and the natural habitat of foxes.

Sora (空) – Sky; represents freedom and the boundless nature of a fox’s spirit.

Takumi (匠) – Artisan, skilled; mirrors the cunning and skillfulness of a fox.

Yuki (幸) – Happiness; the joy and mischief associated with foxes.

Ren (蓮) – Lotus; purity and beauty, qualities that can be admired in the mystical aspect of foxes.

Hiroki (浩紀) – Vast history; symbolizes the enduring nature and wisdom of foxes.

Masato (正人) – Righteous person; reflects the integrity and intelligence seen in fox lore.

Naoki (直樹) – Straight tree; symbolizes honesty and growth, traits that can be associated with the noble aspects of foxes.

Ryo (遼 or 涼) – Distant, cool; represents the elusive and mysterious nature of foxes.

Shinji (真二) – True second; symbolizes authenticity and wisdom.

Takashi (隆) – Prosperity; reflects the bounty and cleverness often attributed to foxes.

Yuto (悠斗) – Gentle, leisurely; evokes the graceful and adaptive nature of foxes.

Japanese names meaning fox male

Kazuki (一樹) – One tree; represents uniqueness and the individual spirit of the fox.

Kei (圭) – Square jewel; symbolizes the treasure and value found in the intelligence of foxes.

Nori (典) – Ceremony; reflects the sacred and mystical aspects often associated with foxes in folklore.

Satoshi (聡) – Wise, fast learner; directly mirrors the intelligence and cunning of a fox.

20+ Female Japanese Names That Mean Fox

Exploring female Japanese names linked to foxes brings out stories of beauty and smarts. These names might not say fox, but they shine with the fox’s clever and pretty ways. Let’s find names full of the fox’s special sparkle.

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Akari (明かり) – Light; symbolizing the guiding and illuminating nature of foxes.

Haruka (遥) – Distant, remote; evoking the mysterious allure of foxes.

Kiyomi (清美) – Pure beauty; reflecting the elegant and captivating presence of a fox.

Mai (舞) – Dance; symbolizing the grace and agility of foxes.

Natsuki (夏希) – Summer hope; reflecting the vibrant and lively spirit of a fox.

Rin (凛) – Dignified; representing the noble and majestic aura of foxes.

Sakura (桜) – Cherry blossom; symbolizing the transient beauty and renewal associated with foxes.

Yui (結衣) – Clothing knot; representing connections and bonds, akin to the social nature of foxes.

Hana (花) – Flower; evoking the natural beauty and gentleness of a fox.

Japanese names meaning fox female

Mei (芽衣) – Sprouting clothing; symbolizing new beginnings and the cunning adaptability of foxes.

Nozomi (望) – Hope, wish; reflecting the aspirational and mystical qualities of foxes.

Saya (紗也) – Swift arrow; symbolizing speed, agility, and precision.

Aiko (愛子) – Child of love; representing the affectionate and caring aspects of foxes.

Chihiro (千尋) – A thousand inquiries; reflecting the curiosity and intelligence of a fox.

Fumiko (文子) – Child of literature; symbolizing the wisdom and knowledge attributed to foxes.

Hitomi (瞳) – Pupil of the eye; representing insight and depth, akin to the profound gaze of a fox.

Kana (佳奈) – Good + Nara; evoking the elegance and positive spirit of foxes.

Miho (美帆) – Beautiful sail; symbolizing guidance and journey, reflecting the adventurous spirit of foxes.

Reika (麗華) – Lovely flower; representing the delicate beauty and charm of foxes.

Yuka (優花) – Gentle flower; reflecting the gentle and cunning nature of foxes, combined with their natural beauty.

FAQs about Japanese Names Meaning Fox

1. Are there Japanese names that mean fox?
Direct fox names are rare, but some names are inspired by fox qualities like cleverness.

2. Do Japanese names have animal meanings?
Yes, some names reflect animal traits, including those admired in foxes.

3. What do foxes represent in names?
Foxes symbolize intelligence, agility, and sometimes mystical qualities.

4. Are fox names common in Japan?
Names with direct “fox” meanings aren’t common, but those reflecting fox traits are valued.

5. How to choose a fox-inspired Japanese name?
Look for names with meanings related to fox traits, such as cleverness or beauty.


In Japanese culture, names directly meaning fox are uncommon, but the spirit and qualities of foxes—intelligence, agility, and mystique—can influence the choice of names. These names offer a unique connection to folklore and the natural world, celebrating the revered attributes of the fox in a subtle, meaningful way.

Kathy Kiwn, holder of a Bachelor of Science in Linguistics, is the creative force behind NamesCheetah.com. Her website specializes in providing a wide range of names, from baby names to usernames, each accompanied by their meanings and origins. Kathy's academic background in linguistics deeply informs her approach, making NamesCheetah.com a go-to resource for anyone seeking insightful and unique name ideas.

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