60+ Japanese Names Meaning White – NamesCheetah

In Japanese names, colors often have special meanings. White is one of those colors, representing purity and calmness.

Let’s explore Japanese names meaning white, showing how beautiful and peaceful they can be.

20+ Unisex Japanese Names Meaning White

Shiro (白): It means “white,” showing purity.

Haku (白): Meaning “white,” showing clarity and cleanliness.

Yuki (雪): It means “snow,” like the white snow in winter.

Mika (美香): Combining “beauty” and “fragrance,” like pretty white flowers.

Asahi (旭日): Translating to “morning sun,” like the bright white light of dawn.

Nao (奈緒): It means “honest” or “straightforward,” like the apparent honesty of white.

Ruka (瑠佳): Combining “lapis lazuli” and “beautiful,” like the beauty of white gemstones.

Kai (白): Meaning “white,” showing the clear purity of white.

Rin (凛) means “dignified” or “severe,” indicating the strong and pure nature of white.

Shinju (真珠): Translating to “pearl,” like the shining purity of white pearls.

Yuri (百合): Meaning “lily,” like the pure white petals of a lily flower.

Aki (秋): Signifying “autumn,” reflecting fall’s pure and tranquil white landscapes.

Mitsuki (光希): Combining “light” and “hope,” like the bright and hopeful purity of white light.

Natsu (夏): Meaning “summer,” like summer’s pure and bright white days.

Tsubasa (翼): Translating to “wings,” embodying white feathers’ free and pure nature.

japanese names meaning white

Aoi (葵): Signifying “hollyhock,” representing the pure and graceful white flowers.

Yume (夢): Meaning “dream,” reflecting white dreams’ pure and serene quality.

Niji (虹): This word translates to “rainbow,” embodying white light’s pure and vibrant essence in rainbows.

Sora (空): Signifying “sky,” representing the pure and vast expanse of white clouds in the sky.

Hina (雛): Meaning “young bird” or “chick,” reflecting the innocent and pure nature of white feathers.

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20+ Male Japanese Names Meaning White

Yukio (幸雄): Meaning “happy man,” embodying the brightness and purity of white.

Haku (白): Directly translating to “white,” symbolizing purity and simplicity.

Masaru (勝): Translating to “victory,” representing the triumph of light over darkness.

Tetsu (哲): Signifying “philosophy” or “wisdom,” reflecting the clarity and insight associated with the color white.

Hiroshi (浩): Meaning “prosperous” or “abundant,” embodying the vastness and limitless nature of white.

Kai (白): Representing “white,” highlighting the pristine purity of untouched snow.

Rin (凛): Signifying “dignified” or “severe,” representing the pure and austere nature of white.

Shiro (白): Directly translates to “white,” symbolizing innocence and simplicity.

Toshiro (利郎): Meaning “clever son,” embodying white’s sharp clarity and brightness.

Mitsuru (満): Translating to “fulfillment” or “satisfaction,” reflecting the completeness and purity of white.

Kazuhiko (一彦): Signifying “one prince,” representing white’s singular beauty and purity.

Daiki (大輝): Meaning “big radiance,” embodying white light’s bright and luminous nature.

Akihiko (明彦): This word translates to “bright prince,” reflecting white’s radiant and shining quality.

Noboru (昇): Signifying “to rise” or “to ascend,” embodying the upward movement and brightness of white.

Haruto (陽翔): Meaning “sunlight soar,” representing white’s radiant and uplifting nature.

Kenshin (謙信): Translating to “humble trust,” reflecting white’s pure and sincere essence.

Yoshito (義人): Signifying “righteous person,” embodying white’s moral purity and integrity.

Satoru (悟): Meaning “enlightenment,” representing the clarity and understanding found in white.

Tadao (忠雄): Translating to “loyal man,” embodying the steadfastness and loyalty symbolized by white.

Akira (明): Meaning “bright” or “clear,” it reflects the brilliance and luminosity of white.

These names capture white’s timeless beauty, purity, and significance, offering clarity and elegance to those who bear them.

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20+ Female Japanese Names That Mean White

Shiro (白): Directly translates to “white,” symbolizing purity and simplicity.

Yuki (雪): Signifying “snow,” representing the purity and serenity of freshly fallen snow.

Mika (美香): Combining “beauty” and “fragrance,” reflecting the delicate purity of white flowers.

Hina (雛): Meaning “young bird” or “chick,” reflecting the innocent and pure nature of white feathers.

Haku (白): Directly translates to “white,” showing clarity and cleanliness.

Mitsuko (光子): Translating to “child of light,” embodying white light’s bright and hopeful purity.

Nao (奈緒): This word means “honest” or “straightforward,” and it reflects the purity and clarity of white.

Kana (香菜): A combination of “fragrance” and “vegetables,” like the fresh purity of white vegetables.

japanese boys names meaning white

Mayu (真白): Meaning “pure white,” symbolizing white’s pristine beauty and innocence.

Nobuko (信子): Translating to “child of trust,” embodying white’s sincere and pure nature.

Shizuka (静): Japanese for “quiet” or “calm,” it reflects the serene quality of white.

Yuri (百合): Meaning “lily,” like the pure white petals of a lily flower.

Aoi (葵): Signifying “hollyhock,” representing the pure and graceful white flowers.

Ruri (瑠璃): This word translates to “lapis lazuli,” embodying the deep and serene purity of white gemstones.

Sora (空): Meaning “sky,” representing the pure and vast expanse of white clouds in the sky.

Asuna (明日菜): A combination of “bright” and “greens,” like the fresh and bright purity of white greens.

Miyuki (美幸): Signifying “beautiful happiness,” embodying the joy and purity of white.

Yumiko (由美子): Translating to “child of beauty,” reflecting white’s pure and serene beauty.

Rin (凛): Signifying “dignified” or “severe,” representing the pure and austere nature of white.

Haruka (遥): Meaning “distant” or “far,” symbolizing the peacefulness of wide-open white skies.

These names capture the simplicity, purity, and beauty associated with the color white, offering a sense of calm and elegance to those who bear them.


In Japanese names, those meaning “white” represent purity, innocence, and tranquility. Whether for males or females, these names embody simplicity and elegance, echoing the pristine beauty of white. As we wrap up our exploration of Japanese names with this serene theme, let’s appreciate the calm and grace they offer, enriching lives with their timeless charm. Like the color, these names bring clarity and peace, adding a touch of elegance to anyone who bears them.

Kathy Kiwn, holder of a Bachelor of Science in Linguistics, is the creative force behind NamesCheetah.com. Her website specializes in providing a wide range of names, from baby names to usernames, each accompanied by their meanings and origins. Kathy's academic background in linguistics deeply informs her approach, making NamesCheetah.com a go-to resource for anyone seeking insightful and unique name ideas.

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