60+ Japanese Names Starting With D – NamesCheetah

Japanese names starting with D are unique within the country’s naming traditions, often reflecting deep cultural values and aspirations. Parents pick these names very carefully because they want the names to have good meanings. These names might talk about nature, important people from history, or good qualities like being strong or smart.

When picking a name, parents think a lot about what the kanji characters mean. This makes every name unique and full of meaning. For example, they might choose characters that mean beauty, strength, or wisdom. This shows how important names are in Japan. They are more than just a way to call someone; they tell a story about the person’s identity and the family’s hopes for them.

20+ Unisex Japanese Names That Start With D

Here’s a list of unisex Japanese names starting with D for babies, with each name followed by a brief explanation of its meaning:

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Daichi (大地) – Means “great land” or “earth,” symbolizing a strong connection to nature.

Dai (大) – Translates to “large” or “great,” often used to signify greatness or significance.

Daisuke (大輔) – Though commonly male, it means “large help,” suggesting support and assistance.

Daito (大斗) – Means “big dipper” or “great fight,” symbolizing guidance or bravery.

Dan (弾) – Can mean “bullet,” implying speed or focus; the neutrality depends on context.

Danno (団野) – Translates to “group field,” indicating community or belonging.

Den (伝) – Means “transmit” or “tradition,” suggesting the passing of knowledge or heritage.

Denji (電司) – Can mean “electricity,” reflecting innovation or energy.

Doi (土井) – Means “earth well,” symbolizing a source of sustenance or life.

Dori (鳥里) – Translates to “bird village,” implying peace or nature.

Daigo (醍醐) – Refers to the “best part” or “essence,” symbolizing purity or excellence.

japanese names starting with d with meaning

Dairo (大郎) – Means “large son,” but can be seen as unisex depending on the context, symbolizing strength or significance.

Daiya (大矢) – Translates to “large arrow,” suggesting direction, purpose, or protection.

Daku (濁) – Means “muddy” or “unclear,” possibly symbolizing complexity or depth.

Dara (達) – Implies “achieving” or “reaching,” symbolizing accomplishment or mastery.

Deiji (デイジ) – A phonetic name that sounds like “Daisy” in English, symbolizing purity or cheerfulness.

Denko (電光) – Means “electric light,” suggesting brightness, speed, or inspiration.

Dento (伝統) – Translates to “tradition,” symbolizing cultural heritage or enduring values.

Deru (出る) – Means “to exit” or “to go out,” symbolizing emergence or discovery.

Dori (取り) – While similar to Dori (鳥里), this variation means “taking” or “collecting,” symbolizing acquisition or gathering.

20+ Male Japanese Names Starting With D

Here’s a list of male Japanese names starting with “D,” along with brief explanations of their meanings:

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Daichi (大地) – Means “great land” or “earth,” symbolizing a strong and stable personality.

Daisuke (大輔) – Translates to “great help,” indicating someone supportive or a great ally.

Daigo (醍醐) – Refers to the “best part” or “essence,” suggesting excellence or purity.

Daijiro (大二郎) – Means “great second son,” but often used for any child as a sign of greatness.

Daiki (大輝) – Translates to “great brightness” or “great nobility,” symbolizing brilliance or dignity.

Daizo (大蔵) – Means “large storehouse,” suggesting wealth or abundance.

Daisaku (大作) – Translates to “great work,” indicating creativity or achievement.

Daihachi (大八) – Means “great eight,” a number often associated with luck and prosperity in Japanese culture.

Dairo (大郎) – Means “large son,” symbolizing strength and significance.

Daishiro (大志郎) – Translates to “great ambition,” indicating a person with high aspirations.

Daito (大斗) – Means “large measure,” suggesting generosity or a broad perspective.

japanese names that start with d male

Dankichi (団吉) – This means “group of luck,” suggesting fortune and community.

Danji (弾司) – Translates to “bullet director,” indicating precision or leadership.

Danno (団野) – Means “group field,” symbolizing unity and openness.

Daizen (大善) – Translates to “great goodness,” indicating virtue or moral greatness.

Daiyuki (大勇気) – This means “great courage,” suggesting bravery and strength.

Denji (電治) – Translates to “electric governance,” symbolizing control or innovation.

Densuke (伝助) – This means “help in transmission,” indicating assistance or reliability.

Daiju (大樹) – Translates to “large tree,” symbolizing growth and stability.

Daiken (大賢) – This Means “great wisdom,” suggesting intelligence and insight.

Daishin (大心) – Translates to “large heart,” indicating generosity or emotional strength.

20+ Female Japanese Names That Start With D

Here’s a list of female Japanese names starting with “D,” along with their meanings:

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Dai (大) – Means “great” or “large,” symbolizing greatness or significance.

Daiki (大輝) – Though often male, can mean “great brightness,” symbolizing brilliance or beauty.

Daiko (大子) – Translates to “large child,” symbolizing a strong and healthy life.

Daina (ダイナ) – A name that suggests dynamism or power.

Daiya (ダイヤ) – Means “diamond,” symbolizing invincibility and beauty.

Dan (団) – Can mean “group,” suggesting harmony and belonging.

Dana (ダナ) – A phonetic name that can suggest grace or offering.

Danami (だなみ) – A unique name, possibly suggesting “waves” for its poetic imagery.

Daruma (達磨) – Inspired by the Daruma doll, symbolizing perseverance and goal achievement.

Deko (出子) – Means “outgoing child,” symbolizing openness and sociability.

japanese names that start with d girl

Denka (伝香) – Means “transmitting fragrance,” suggesting elegance and grace.

Denko (電光) – Though often male, means “electric light,” symbolizing speed or brilliance.

Deshiko (出志子) – Means “determined child,” symbolizing ambition and determination.

Detoko (出都子) – Translates to “emerging metropolitan child,” suggesting sophistication and charm.

Dezumi (出純) – Means “pure emergence,” symbolizing purity and new beginnings.

Dia (ディア) – A phonetic name meaning “dear,” symbolizing beloved or precious.

Dina (ディナ) – A name that suggests being dignified or significant.

Doi (土井) – Though typically a surname, can mean “earth well,” symbolizing stability and resourcefulness.

Dori (鳥理) – Means “bird logic,” suggesting freedom and wisdom.

Douka (同化) – Means “assimilation,” symbolizing adaptability and harmony.

Doremi (ドレミ) – Inspired by musical notes, symbolizing harmony and creativity.

Easy FAQs about Japanese Names Starting with D

Q1: Are there a lot of Japanese names that start with D?

Yes, but not as many as some other letters. Names starting with “D” have special meanings, like nature or strength.

Q2: Can both boys and girls have names starting with D?

Yes, some names starting with “D” can be for both boys and girls, but many are more common for one gender.

Q3: What do names starting with D usually mean?

These names often talk about big things, like “Daichi” meaning big earth, or about good wishes like happiness or success.

Q4: How do I pick a name starting with D for my child?

Think about what the name means and if you like how it sounds. It’s nice if the name has a good meaning you hope for your child.

Q5: Do the letters in the name D come from special symbols?

Yes, in Japanese, names use characters called kanji, and each one has its meaning. So, names starting with “D” have kanji that show what the name means.


Japanese Names that start with D are pretty cool because they have meanings like big dreams or nature. Whether for a baby boy or a girl, these names can say something nice about what parents hope for their child. Picking a name like this can be a fun way to think about the future and all the good things you wish for someone.

Kathy Kiwn, holder of a Bachelor of Science in Linguistics, is the creative force behind NamesCheetah.com. Her website specializes in providing a wide range of names, from baby names to usernames, each accompanied by their meanings and origins. Kathy's academic background in linguistics deeply informs her approach, making NamesCheetah.com a go-to resource for anyone seeking insightful and unique name ideas.

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