60+ Japanese Names Starting With E – NamesCheetah

Choosing Japanese names starting with E in Japan is special. Each name is full of meaning and shows what parents hope for their kids. Naming a baby is very important in Japan. Parents take a lot of time to pick just the right name. They might think about nature, famous people, or good qualities like being strong or smart.

The letters in Japanese names, called kanji, are very meaningful. Each one tells a little story or shares a wish for the child’s life. This shows how special names are in Japan. They do more than just tell who someone is; they share the family’s hopes and who the person might become.

20+ Unisex Japanese Names That Start With E

Here’s a list of unisex Japanese names starting with E. Each name comes with a little explanation of what it means:

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Eiji (英二) – Means “excellent second (child)” or “eternity,” showing hopes for a long and successful life.

Eiko (栄光) – Translates to “glory” or “honour,” suggesting a life full of achievement and respect.

Eimu (永夢) – Means “eternal dream,” symbolizing endless potential and hope.

Eito (永遠) – Can mean “eternity,” representing lasting happiness and longevity.

Ena (江奈) – A name that might mean “river” and “Nara (a place in Japan),” suggesting a peaceful and flowing life.

Eri (絵理) – Translates to “picture of logic,” symbolizing beauty and wisdom.

Etsu (悦) – Means “joy” or “pleasure,” suggesting a life filled with happiness.

Etsuko (悦子) – Means “child of joy,” a wish for a happy and content life.

Eiji (映司) – Can also mean “reflecting governance,” representing reflection and leadership.

Unique japanese names starting with e

Eiko (詠古) – Translates to “recite ancient,” symbolizing a connection to history and tradition.

Eishin (栄進) – Means “progress to glory,” symbolizing ambition and the pursuit of success.

Eiji (英次) – Translates to “next in excellence,” suggesting a continuous legacy of distinction and merit.

Eikan (栄冠) – Means “crown of glory,” representing triumph and honour in one’s endeavours.

Eiraku (永楽) – Can mean “eternal happiness,” signifying a lifelong joy and contentment.

Eito (詠人) – Another variation meaning “poetic person,” suggesting someone who has a way with words and expresses themselves beautifully.

Eina (詠奈) – Translates to “singing beauty,” symbolizing a person who brings harmony and grace.

Eiko (映光) – Means “reflecting light,” representing someone who shines light and positivity onto others.

Eimu (英夢) – Can mean “excellent dream,” symbolizing lofty aspirations and the pursuit of one’s dreams.

Eiren (永恋) – Translates to “eternal love,” signifying everlasting affection and connection.

Eisui (栄翠) – Means “flourishing greenery,” symbolizing life, growth, and vitality.

20+ Male Japanese Names Starting With E

Here’s a list of boys Japanese names starting with E and what they mean:

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Eiji (英治) – Means “excellent governance,” suggesting leadership and wisdom.

Eikichi (永吉) – Translates to “eternal luck,” wishing for a life of continuous fortune.

Eisuke (英輔) – Means “excellent help,” representing someone supportive and reliable.

Eito (栄人) – Can mean “prosperous person,” suggesting success and growth.

Eizou (栄三) – Means “third son of prosperity,” but can be a wish for prosperity regardless of birth order.

Eiji (栄次) – Translates to “next in prosperity,” suggesting a future of growth and success.

Eiken (英賢) – Means “wise in English,” representing intelligence and language prowess.

Eimin (永民) – Can mean “eternal people,” suggesting a lasting influence or legacy.

Eiren (永連) – Translates to “eternal connection,” symbolizing enduring relationships.

Eisaku (栄作) – Means “work of prosperity,” suggesting achievement and prosperity.

Eishin (英信) – Means “faith in excellence,” suggesting a person who is trustworthy and excels in their endeavours.

Eitaro (永太郎) – Translates to “eternal eldest son,” indicating a wish for longevity and leadership within the family.

Eiji (英二) – Also means “second son of excellence,” indicating high hopes for achievement and success, similar to its other variations but focusing on the position in the family.

Eizo (栄蔵) – Means “prosperous storage,” suggesting a life filled with wealth and success.

Eiju (永寿) – Translates to “eternal longevity,” wishing for a long and healthy life.

Eiki (栄基) – Means “basis of prosperity,” suggesting a strong foundation for a successful life.

Eito (瑛斗) – Another variation meaning “brilliant fighter,” symbolizing bravery and excellence.

Eikan (栄冠) – Means “crown of glory,” suggesting triumph and high achievement.

Eishi (英志) – Translates to “ambitious spirit,” indicating a person with noble goals and the desire to excel.

Eito (英人) – Can also mean “excellent person,” representing someone who stands out for their virtues and achievements.

20+ Female Japanese Names That Start With E

And here’s a list of girls Japanese names starting with E:

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Ema (恵真) – Translates to “true blessing,” symbolizing genuine kindness and fortune.

Emi (笑) – Means “smile,” suggesting a life filled with joy and happiness.

Emiko (恵美子) – Means “blessed beautiful child,” a wish for beauty and fortune.

Eri (絵里) – Can mean “picture of a village,” suggesting beauty and community.

Erika (絵理香) – Translates to “fragrance of a picture,” symbolizing beauty and grace.

Erina (絵里奈) – Means “blessed with beauty from the village,” suggesting charm and community ties.

Etsu (悦子) – Can also mean “child of joy,” similar to its unisex form, wishing for happiness.

Etsuyo (悦代) – Means “generation of joy,” suggesting a legacy of happiness.

japanese names starting with e girl

Eiko (栄子) – Translates to “child of prosperity,” a wish for success and prosperity.

Eriko (絵理子) – Means “child of picture logic,” symbolizing beauty and wisdom.

Eriko (恵理子) – While previously mentioned, it’s worth noting again for its meaning of “blessed with logic and beauty,” symbolizing a wise and beautiful life.

Erina (恵里奈) – Another mention but distinct for its meaning of “blessed with a beautiful village,” emphasizing community and beauty.

Eruna (絵留奈) – Means “picture of staying beauty,” suggesting lasting elegance and grace.

Erena (恵連菜) – Translates to “connected blessings of greens,” symbolizing a life enriched with connections and vitality.

Eiko (瑛子) – Can also mean “shining child,” representing brightness and hope.

Emika (笑美香) – Means “smile, beauty, and fragrance,” suggesting a life filled with happiness, beauty, and a sweet presence.

Esumi (絵澄美) – Translates to “clear beauty in pictures,” symbolizing clarity, beauty, and artistic quality.

Etsumi (悦純) – Means “pure joy,” representing a life of pure happiness and simplicity.

Eriha (絵里葉) – Means “leaf of the picturesque village,” suggesting natural beauty and a connection to one’s roots.

Emina (恵美那) – meaning “beautiful and benevolent,” symbolizing a life of beauty and kindness.

FAQs About Japanese Names Starting with E

1. Are many Japanese names starting with E?

Yes, but they might not be as common as some other letters. Names with “E” often mean things like joy or eternity.

2. Can both boys and girls have names starting with E?

Yes, some “E” names can be for both, but many are typically for one gender.

3. What do names starting with E usually mean?

Names with “E” often talk about happiness, success, or eternal things.

4. How do I pick an “E” name for my child?

Think about what the name means and if it sounds nice to you. Choosing a name with a beautiful meaning is a lovely wish for your child.

5. Do the letters in “E” names come from special symbols?

Yes, “E” names use kanji with specific meanings. This makes each name unique and full of meaning.


Japanese names starting with E are beautiful and full of hope. Whether for a baby boy or girl, these names carry wishes for happiness, success, and a good life. Choosing such a name is a special way to think about your child’s future and all the good things you hope for them.

Kathy Kiwn, holder of a Bachelor of Science in Linguistics, is the creative force behind NamesCheetah.com. Her website specializes in providing a wide range of names, from baby names to usernames, each accompanied by their meanings and origins. Kathy's academic background in linguistics deeply informs her approach, making NamesCheetah.com a go-to resource for anyone seeking insightful and unique name ideas.

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