30 Japanese Names That Mean Royalty – NamesCheetah

Japanese names often have deep meanings that reflect essential parts of the culture, like nature, strength, and beauty. Japanese names that mean royalty are extraordinary. They remind us of Japan’s royal history and the qualities of being a leader or someone important. These names are not just simple tags; they carry a message, hoping to give the person with the name qualities like noble and graceful.

When we look into these royal names, we learn where they come from, their meaning, and the rich culture behind them. These names are like a link to the past, honoring Japan’s old traditions and famous ancestors. They aim to inspire new generations to carry on the best qualities of royalty. Exploring these names helps us understand the stories and traditions that are a big part of Japan, celebrating its past and looking forward to its future.

10 Unisex Japanese Names Meaning Royalty

Choosing a Japanese name that means something special, like royalty, can be excellent. Here are ten names that both boys and girls can have. These names are about being kind, vital, and essential, just like a king or queen:

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Hiro (裕)—This name means someone who is generous and has a lot of good things to share, like a generous king or queen.

Rei (玲) – Rei is a pretty name that can mean a beautiful sound, like the grace and beauty of royalty.

Kai (皆) – Kai means “everyone.” It’s like saying a ruler who cares about all their people.

Sora (空) – Sora means “sky,” showing someone who sees everything from above and takes care of it, just like a good leader.

japanese name that mean royalty

Yuuki (勇気) – Yuuki means “bravery,” an essential quality for leaders and royals.

Rin (凛) – Rin means someone solid and respected, just like a noble person.

Haru (春) – Haru means “spring,” a time of new beginnings and happiness, something a kind ruler brings.

Michi (道)—Michi means “path.” Being a guide for others and showing them the right way is like being a good leader.

Aoi (碧)—Aoi can mean a calm and noble spirit, like the peaceful blue sky or ocean, which shows a ruler’s calm strength.

Nao (直)—Nao means honesty and straightness. It’s about accuracy and fairness, qualities every good ruler needs.

These names are special because they remind us of the good things we hope for in leaders and in ourselves, like being brave, kind, and fair to everyone.

10 Boys Japanese Names That Mean Royalty

Choosing a Japanese name for a boy that signifies royalty can imbue a sense of nobility, strength, and leadership. Here are ten Japanese names that carry connotations of royalty, each with its unique meaning that reflects the qualities of a prince or king:

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Anji (安治) – This name means “peaceful ruler,” reflecting a leader who brings stability and peace to his realm.

Hiroto (大翔) – Hiroto can be interpreted as “large flight,” symbolizing someone with grand aspirations and the ability to oversee vast domains, akin to a king’s vision.

Katsu (勝) – Katsu means “victory” or “to win,” suggesting a ruler’s prowess in overcoming challenges and leading his people to success.

Masahiro (正宏) – Masahiro combines “masa,” meaning “righteous,” with “hiro,” meaning “widespread.” It can be translated to “broadly righteous,” indicating a king’s fair and reign over his people.

Nobu (信) – Nobu means “trust” or “extend,” reflecting the trustworthiness and expansiveness of a noble leader’s influence.

Ryuu (龍) – Ryuu means “dragon,” a symbol of power, strength, and good luck in Japanese culture, qualities befitting royalty.

Shinji (真治) – Shinji combines “shin,” meaning “true” or “genuine,” with “ji,” meaning “rule” or “govern.” It signifies a ruler who is both genuine and just.

Takashi (貴) – Takashi means “noble” or “precious,” directly reflecting the status and esteem of royalty.

Yasu (康) – Yasu means “peace” or “calm,” denoting a ruler who ensures peace and stability in his kingdom.

Yoshi (義) – Yoshi means “righteous” or “just,” indicating a leader who is fair and upright in all his dealings, a hallmark of true royalty.

These names not only carry the essence of royalty but also aspire to bestow upon the bearer the revered qualities of leadership, justice, and the noble spirit of a king.

10 Girls Japanese Names That Mean Royalty

For girls, choosing a name that signifies royalty can imbue a sense of grace, strength, and dignity, reflecting the qualities admired in queens and princesses. Here are ten Japanese names for girls that carry meanings associated with royalty:

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Himeka (姫花) – Combining “hime” (princess) with “ka” (flower), this name suggests a princess as beautiful and delicate as a flower.

Kimi (君) – Means “noble” or “you” in a respectful form, often used to denote someone of higher status, akin to royalty.

Ayaka (綾香) – This name can mean “colorful flower” or “beautiful silk,” suggesting the luxury and beauty associated with royalty.

Himiko (卑弥呼) – Named after a legendary queen in ancient Japan, this name carries a strong sense of leadership and mystical power.

Ouhi (王妃) – Directly translates to “queen,” symbolizing the highest rank in royalty.

Miya (宮) – Means “royal palace” or “shrine,” indicating a connection to royal residences and the sacredness they embody.

japanese name meaning royalty for girls

Reika (麗華) – Combines “reika” (lovely) with “ka” (flower or splendor), suggesting the elegance and beauty befitting royalty.

Kanade (奏) – Means “play music” or “offer,” which can imply a harmonious presence, like the soothing leadership of a benevolent queen.

Sumika (純華) – This name means “pure flower,” denoting purity and beauty, virtues often associated with royalty.

Takara (宝) – Means “treasure” or “jewel,” symbolizing the precious and valued nature of a daughter, much like the cherished members of a royal family.

These names not only carry the essence of royalty but also embody the qualities of beauty, strength, and grace, offering a profound connection to Japan’s rich cultural and historical heritage.

FAQs about Japanese Names Meaning Royalty

1. Can Japanese names reflect royal status?

Yes, many Japanese names carry meanings related to royalty, nobility, and leadership qualities.

2. Are there unisex Japanese names that mean royalty?

Yes, there are unisex names in Japanese that signify royalty, such as Hiro (裕) and Rei (玲).

3. How do I choose a Japanese name that means royalty?

Consider the name’s meaning, its significance in Japanese culture, and how it resonates with you personally.

4. Do all Japanese names with royal meanings come from ancient texts?

Not all, but many names with royal meanings have historical or cultural references, including ancient texts and traditions.


In conclusion, Japanese names that mean royalty carry a profound depth of cultural significance and beauty. They not only offer a connection to Japan’s rich historical and royal heritage but also embody qualities of leadership, elegance, and strength. Whether you’re naming a child, a character in a story, or even a pet, choosing a Japanese name with a royal meaning can provide a sense of dignity and noble aspiration.

These names, with their varied meanings from leadership to beauty and strength, offer a unique way to inspire and imbue a sense of pride and tradition. As we explore these names, we’re reminded of the timeless allure of royalty and the universal values it represents, making these names a cherished choice for many around the world.

Kathy Kiwn, holder of a Bachelor of Science in Linguistics, is the creative force behind NamesCheetah.com. Her website specializes in providing a wide range of names, from baby names to usernames, each accompanied by their meanings and origins. Kathy's academic background in linguistics deeply informs her approach, making NamesCheetah.com a go-to resource for anyone seeking insightful and unique name ideas.

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