70+ Japanese Names that Mean Star

Japanese names that mean star are beautiful and rich in meaning. In Japanese language, the word for star is “hoshi,” a popular name choice. These names are picked by parents who want to connect their children to the beauty and wonder of the night sky.

Just like stars light up the sky, these names are hoped to bring brightness and positivity into the lives of those who bear them. They symbolize hope and a wish for a future as radiant as the stars themselves. In this article, we will explore 70+ Japanese names that mean star.

25+ Popular Japanese names Meaning Star

Each of these names shows the special connection and love that Japanese culture has for stars, bringing the beauty and mystery of the night sky into everyday life.

Hoshiko (星子) – Meaning “child of the stars,” from “Hoshi” (star) and “Ko” (child).

Seika (星花) – Meaning “star flower,” combining “Sei” (star) and “Ka” (flower).

Hikaru (光) – Translates to “light” or “radiance”, reflecting the brightness of a star.

Amane (天音) – Meaning “sound of the heavens”, where “Ama” (heaven) and “Ne” (sound) symbolize the celestial connection.

Sora (宙) – Meaning “sky,” representing the vast space where stars reside.

Kirara (きらら) – Signifying “sparkling” or “shining,” similar to the twinkling of stars.

Tsubasa (翼) – Meaning “wing,” symbolizing soaring towards the stars.

Yozora (夜空) – Meaning “night sky,” where “Yo” (night) and “Zora” (sky) highlight the beauty of stars at night.

Ryuusei (流星) – Meaning “shooting star” or “meteor,” from “Ryuu” (flow) and “Sei” (star).

Minori (実り) – Translates to “fruit,” symbolizing the fruition of a star’s journey.

Akari (灯り) – Meaning “light” or “brightness,” echoing the light of stars.

Arata (新) – Meaning “fresh” or “new,” like a newly discovered star.

Saki (咲) – Translates to “bloom,” representing a star’s blooming brilliance.

Yuki (幸) – Meaning “happiness” or “fortune,” often associated with the positive influence of stars.

Nozomi (望) – Meaning “hope” or “wish,” akin to making wishes on stars.

Raito (ライト) – The Japanese adaptation of “light,” directly associated with starlight.

Sayaka (さやか) – Meaning “clear” or “bright,” like the clarity of a starry sky.

Japanese Names that Mean Star

Nagisa (渚) – Translates to “shore,” symbolizing the guiding light of stars over the sea.

Subaru (昴) – The Japanese name for the Pleiades star cluster, signifying unity and beauty.

Asahi (朝日) – Meaning “morning sun”, representing the star that starts each day.

Tsukiko (月子) – Meaning “moon child”, relating to the celestial theme.

Kira (キラ) – Derived from the English “kira kira,” meaning “sparkling” or “shining” like stars.

Hoshi (星) – Meaning “star”, it is straightforward and celestial.

Yuuki (勇気) – Meaning “courage,” often inspired by the constancy and strength of stars.

Aoi (葵) – Although it means “hollyhock”, it’s also associated with the blue of a clear, starry sky.

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25+ Japanese Girl’s Names Meaning Star

Hoshiko (星子) – “Child of the stars,” symbolizing a connection to the celestial.

Seira (星羅) – “Star veil,” evoking the image of a star-covered sky.

Kirika (輝良) – “Shining goodness,” reflecting the brilliance of stars.

Yozora (夜空) – “Night sky,” where stars are most visible and beautiful.

Aoi (葵星) – “Hollyhock star,” combining natural beauty with starry brilliance.

Hikari (光) – “Light,” directly related to the glow of stars.

Sora (宙) – “Sky,” the vast space where stars exist.

Miyu (美夢) – “Beautiful star,” combining beauty with celestial charm.

Akari (灯里) – “Light village,” reminiscent of starlight illuminating a place.

Riko (理子) – “Child of the star jasmine,” linking stars with earth’s beauty.

Tsubasa (翼) – “Wing,” for reaching towards the stars.

Sayaka (清花) – “Bright flower,” like a star shining in the night.

Asuka (飛鳥) – “Flying bird,” soaring high like a star in the sky.

Nanami (七海) – “Seven seas,” as vast and mysterious as the starry sky.

Yui (結衣) – “Tie or bind,” symbolizing the connection between stars and life.

Kira (キラ) – “Sparkling,” like the twinkling of stars.

Mana (真菜) – “True vegetable,” symbolizing growth under the starlight.

Rina (里奈) – “Village apple tree,” evoking a peaceful night under the stars.

Female Japanese Names Meaning Star

Noriko (法子) – “Child of the law,” signifying order like the constellations.

Saki (咲) – “Blossom,” blooming like a star.

Hina (陽菜) – “Sunlight greens,” linking the sun, a star, to nature.

Mio (美桜) – “Beautiful cherry blossom,” like the beauty of a starry night.

Yuna (優奈) – “Gentle,” as gentle as the light from a distant star.

Fumika (史香) – “History fragrance,” like timeless starlight traveling to us.

Haruka (遥) – “Distant,” as stars are far yet captivating in the sky.

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25+ Japanese Boys Names that Mean Star

Hikaru (光) – Meaning “light” or “radiance”, capturing the essence of starlight.

Ryusei (流星) – Meaning “shooting star” or “meteor,” from “Ryu” (flow) and “Sei” (star).

Sora (宙) – Meaning “sky,” representing the vast expanse where stars shine.

Aoi (蒼) – Meaning “blue,” like the deep blue of a star-filled night sky.

Kaito (海斗) – Meaning “sea” and “big dipper”, linking the ocean with the starry constellation.

Asahi (朝日) – Meaning “morning sun”, symbolizing the star that brings daylight.

Yuki (幸) – Meaning “happiness” or “snow,” reflecting the pure and bright qualities of stars.

Minato (湊) – Meaning “harbor”, suggesting a haven under the starry sky.

Seiji (星司) – Meaning “star ruler”, combining “Sei” (star) and “Ji” (ruler).

Kazuki (和希) – Meaning “harmony” and “hope,” like the peacefulness of a starry night.

Tsubasa (翼) – Meaning “wing,” soaring towards the stars.

Raito (ライト) – The Japanese adaptation of “light,” directly associated with starlight.

Akio (昭夫) – Meaning “bright man”, like the brightness of stars in the sky.

Shinji (真治) – Meaning “true healing”, like the calming effect of gazing at stars.

Taiki (大輝) – Meaning “large radiance,” resembling the grandeur of the starry heavens.

Naoki (直樹) – Meaning “honest tree,” representing steadfastness like the constellations.

Haruto (陽翔) – Meaning “flying sun,” akin to a star soaring through the sky.

Male Japanese Names Meaning Star

Yuto (悠斗) – Meaning “gentle” and “fight,” symbolizing the gentle yet powerful nature of stars.

Daiki (大輝) – Meaning “great brightness,” reminiscent of the brilliance of stars.

Kenshin (謙信) – Meaning “modest truth”, reflecting the unassuming beauty of stars.

Takumi (匠) – Meaning “artisan” or “skillful,” like the intricate patterns of the stars.

Noboru (昇) – Meaning “ascend”, as stars ascend in the night sky.

Hiroto (大翔) – Meaning “big flight,” symbolizing the boundless journey of stars.

Itsuki (樹) – Meaning “tree”, representing growth and reaching toward the stars.

Yuuma (勇真) – Meaning “brave truth,” embodying stars’ enduring and inspiring nature.


What do Japanese star names represent?

Japanese star names often symbolize qualities like brightness, hope, and inspiration. They reflect the beauty and enduring nature of stars, often used to wish a bright future for a child.

Are these star-related names common in Japan for both boys and girls?

Star-related names are popular in Japan and used for both boys and girls. Their universal appeal and positive meanings make them a favored choice among parents.

Can Japanese star names have different meanings?

Absolutely. Depending on the characters used, the same name can have varied meanings. For example, “Hikaru” can mean light or radiance, both related to the qualities of a star.

How are Japanese star names chosen for children?

Parents often choose these names based on their meanings, the sound of the name, or the characters used. They might also select a name that reflects their hopes and wishes for their child’s future.


In conclusion, Japanese names that mean “star” reflect the culture’s deep admiration for the night sky and its celestial bodies. These names are popular due to their lovely sounds and meanings and because they bring wishes of hope, brilliance, and a bright future.

Whether for a boy or a girl, these names encapsulate a universal beauty and a timeless appeal, making them an excellent choice for parents seeking a name with aesthetic charm and profound significance.

Kathy Kiwn, holder of a Bachelor of Science in Linguistics, is the creative force behind NamesCheetah.com. Her website specializes in providing a wide range of names, from baby names to usernames, each accompanied by their meanings and origins. Kathy's academic background in linguistics deeply informs her approach, making NamesCheetah.com a go-to resource for anyone seeking insightful and unique name ideas.

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